Society News
Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for Russ Heaton's special
brisket dinner last Saturday. It truly was an outstanding dinner. If
you missed it, no problem, because our next event is just around the
corner. We are looking forward to our Sweetheart Schniztzel Dinner
in 15th February. Hopefully, we will be able to celebrate with you!
~ Karin King, President G.A.S.
Pre-Summer Break 2025 Calendat of Events:
2/15/2025 - Sweetheart Dinner 3/15/2025 - Glass Jar Choir
Fundraiser Dinner 4/26/2025 - Spring Concert and Dinner
5/10/2025 - Mother's Day Dinner 5/24/2025 - Spring Clean-up Day
6/14/2025 - Father's Day Dinner
Sweetheart Dinner 2/25/2025 A delicious Dinner with
Spaetzle and Rotkohl awaits you at Deutsches Haus cooked by the
wonderful Trevor from The Das Stein Haus. To make reservations and
to prepay, call Charlotte Shell at 509-954-6964. Don't forget to
bring your new 2025 membership card to get your punch! Every 5
punches gets you a $5 off your 6th dinner!
Did you know - The German Consolate has moved from
Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington.
Messages from the Board -
From Karin, our President - The German-American
Society is looking for an occasional cleaner for $35 per hour. If
you or anyone you know is interested, please call Karin King at
From Christi, our Bar Trustee - Having a hard time
keeping warm? Check out our warm drink specials at the bar! We will
also be doing a 50-50 raffle. Purchase raffle tickets for your
chance to take home half the pot.
From Edgar, Election Committee Member - As you
probably saw in our last newsletter, we have the need for a few new
qualified board members. Current and future vacancies include the
Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Social Trustee. We welcome any and
all new candidates for thgese positions. If you are interested,
please call Edgar at 509-448-7029.
From Annelore, our Membership Trustee - I hope all
of you had a very good year in 2024. As we look forward to another
wonderful year in our German-American Society, we are reminded that
the 2025 dues of $50 per person is now due. You may pay at our next
dinner or send a check to G.A.S. at 25 W. 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA
99201. Attn: Membership. If you already paid, we thank you. We look
forward to seeing all of you in this new year.
Filmabend/Movie Night - A "Movie Night" is nothing
new in our Deutsches Haus. In the eighties, we enjoyed socializing
and watching many German films, such as the life and works of Carl
Spitzweg. Just a couplke of years ago, it was revived with the
acquisition of our large screen TV, which Hans Behrens skillfully
adapts to a variety of media. One of these delightful evenings, the
film Sisi, the story about the beautiful empress, was shown. There
are many delightful films, especially about our rich culture. There
are opera and operetta films, ballet and concerts, as well as
comedies and tragedies.
Hans and I would like to revive this entertainment for our club
members (of course, you may bring guests). We plan to have snacks
available, and we shall persuade our vivacious bar manager, Christi,
to open the bar. I think that has the makings of a fun and
delightful social evening. The dates and times are being worked out.
The wishes, suggestions, and comments from our members are welcome.
Please contact Edgar at 509-448-7029 or Hans at 509-714-7060
~ Edgar
Dear club members, I would like to wish you all a
very Merry Christmas. I am proud to say that we are still
functioning thanks to the dinners, rentals, grants, club memberships
and the generous donations by several club members!
Please join us for our Christmas dinner on December 14, 2024 at
5:30pm and our Christmas service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church.
Reception to follow at the Deutsches Haus, for complimentary coffee
on December 15, 2024, at 3 pm.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and a very healthy and prosperous New
Karin King, President
Election Update: We honor our dedicated board
members, who plan our activities, schedule entertainment and
preserve our cultural and traditions of our society for over a
hundred and fifty years. In November, we seek candidates to fill
expired and vacant positions.
Gail Miller, our treasurer, has agreed to serve another term; thank
you. Dianna Kilgore, who has been a valuable board member, cannot
continue as our secretary. Charlette Schell is now our interim
secretary. Gary Puseman has held the position of renting the
facilities of our Deutsches Haus for several terms. Joseph Letts has
worked with Gary and is now the interim Rental Trustee. We are also
seeking an assistant to help Joseph in this process.
Our annual election will be April 2025, when our candidates will
officially be voted on. We welcome comments, suggestions and
nominations from our membership. We always welcome volunteers to
participate in various activities, so please contact our board
members. For nominations for board positions, please contact our
nomination committee at 509-448-7029.
Happy Birthday to all of our December members.
Please join us january 18, 2025, for our Birthday Dinner. We will
have a drawing each month and the winner will go home with a cake!!!
Welcome New Members: Please join us in welcoming
some of our newest club members: Herzlich Willkommen, we love having
you and we are looking forward to seeing you at some of our upcoming
Our German-American Society Mission Statement - The
purpose of the society is to offer hospitality to all people of all
nationalities who offer support and foster the traditions of the
Germanic homeland, to cultivate the German language, to sing German
songs and to enjoy humor, poetry, drama, music and dance in the
tradition of the German Gemütlichkeit.
Sunshine Committee - Our thoughts and prayers go
out to all who have had recent illnesses or has lost a loved one.
Our sympathies go out to the family and friends of Werner Gaubinger,
former owner of the Alpine Deli.
Dankeschön - Thank you very much!
Our German-American Haus
was filled yet again during our recent Oktoberfest. This German
festival is duplicated and repeated everywhere. Yet we stand out. In
our German-American Haus we feature authentic German food, beer, and
above all, German Gemütlichkeit! We have a list of
volunteers that helped make this event such a success. The harmony
with which our club members work together is the reason that our
German-American Society remains the oldest and the only ethnic
organization still functioning in the region. Events such as the
Oktoberfest in our German-American Haus serve to enrich our cultural
experience, entertain us, and help create revenue to preserve and
sustain our haus. We are all proud to own and preserve this our
German-American Haus. Ein groβes Dankeschön für Eure
Hilfe! ~Karin King
Oktoberfest Review - Our 5th annual Oktoberfest was
not only very successful, but also a lot of fun. Everyone had a
great time. Welcome to all the many new members who joined our club
during the Oktoberfest celebration. A special "Thank You" goes out
to our advertisers who graciously contributed to our success by
donating their services!
George Weimer - DAS STEIN HAUS for the amazing food.
UHAUL and FRANKIE DOODLES for parking.
A huge "Thank You" to our sponsors -- INIFI who donated monies and
ODOM who donated banners and give-away prizes.
Also "Thank You" to all our volunteers.
Pioneer Day! - German-Americans will again gather
on the second of November to celebrate "Pioneer Day." The Deutsches
Haus at 25 West Third Ave, will be filled with merrymakers who will
enjoy traditional German food and drink, especially the warmth of
German culture, expressed in their repertory of songs performed by
the Concordia Choir. This German Choir shares a history of German
choirs since 1868 when Spokane was still known as Spokane Falls. At
that time, several German choirs were perpetuating their culture
through music. For example, in 1883, a German Männerchor (male
choir) greeted the arrival of the first Northern Pacific Railroad
train in Spokane. The German-American Society predates even its
aging building, the Deutsches Haus, and has undergone changes,
including four name changes since its formation during its
one-hundred-and-sixty year history. And yet, their basic ideals and
their cultural core have endured since the eighteen sixties. As we
look into the hearts of their aging members, we will discover an
enduring pride in their beloved culture, music and literature ,
customs, and their hearty and flavorful food. Music was only a part
of the rich heritage that the German pioneers brought to our midst.
They brought with them the agricultural skills to cultivate our
golden fields of grain. The carpenters, stone masons, tradesmen, and
teachers, helped lay the foundation for a cultural heritage that we
still enjoy. The cooks and bakers left us a delicious menu of German
comfort food that will be served on Pioneer Day. Spokane has been
the hub where German immigrants gathered from throughout the Inland
Empire. They came from farming towns such as Odessa, Washington,
Harrington, Ritzville, and Reardan to trade and buy their goods and
relish a bit of cultural comradery and merriment. Spokane's
welcoming atmogphere for cultural diversity has enabled the German
culture to flourish. Thus, in November, the Deutsches Haus will
ahain provide the ambiance for what Germans call "gemütlichkeit," a
coziness of cultural activities. ~Edgar Bueschke
MAY 2024
A note from your President, Karin King: At out general meeting on April
5, 2024, we elected our new board members. They are ready to assume their duties
and responsibilities. They are eager to navigate our German Society with
financial fidelity towards fulfilling our social and cultural goals. We are
fortunate that we have found such qualified and dedicated candidates to assume
the following vacated positions.
Please welcome Ron Niederstadt, as our new 2nd Vice President.
Please welcome Barbara Vaughn, as our new Kitchen Trustee.
Please welcome Annelore Kirn, as our new Membership Chairman.
Please welcome Electra Jubon, our new Social Trustee.
Please welcome Christi Kile, as our new Bar Manager.
We have a very competent and dedicated board of directors who work hard to
provide and maintain our cherished cultural haven. They may not only provide the
leadership of our organization, but they mostly provide the actual work of
cleaning, painting, moving, sorting advertising as cooking. They have been
generous with their time as well as financial contributions. They do this
because they love our society and it is our wish that more of you will volunteer
your services in such things as cooking, serve as hosts, help organize our
dinners, help with entertainment and any one of the many things to help provide
the German Gemütlichkeit for which our society has always been known. ~ Karin
Dear Members, It's time to clean and organize our club. We need YOU
to be part of this event. There is a job for EVERYONE to do whether it is
cleaning shelves, changing out light bulbs or sitting and filling saltshakers.
Wear your cleaning clothes and bring a potluck dish! Your Social Trustee to host
and direct you to your assigned job. Electra Jubon 509-325-2446
A special thank you to: Trevor from Das Stein Haus for their delicious
Schnitzel Dinner at our Pioneer Day Spring Concert! And, thank you to the choir
for the beautiful club set up both upstairs and downstairs and the delicious
Welcome new members, and a very special thank you to ALL our loyal
members. Your support is what continues to get us through thick and thin. We
depend on the money to pay the bills, but we also need VOLUNTEERS to help keep
the club in shape.
Membership dues are now PAST Due for 2024. Please pay your membership current
ASAP so you can continue receiving our informational "newsletter" and be able to
join us for special dinners and events. We don't want to lose you!!!!
Thank you, Your new Membership Chairman, Annelore Kirn
APRIL 2024
Dear Members, I would like to welcome our newest elected members to our
board. Annelore Kirn, Electra Jubon, Christi Kile, Barbara Vaughn and Ron
Niederstadt. But with the excitement of our new board members come sadness of
the departing members Inge Cantu, Rich Aspenleiter, Charlotte Shell and Charity
Doyl, that have devoted their time, energy, and love to us and our club for
many years. This is not goodbye but a farewell. ~ President Karin King
Election Night at the German-American Society - Although only a little
German was spokane on April 5, 2024, Friday's election evening, the German
Gemütlichkeit permeated the historic walls of our Deutsches Haus. Before,
during, and after an evening snack of Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, and
Kartoffelsalat, the procedures were friendly, informative. and inviting to
participate. And we did elect a great slate of officers to ensure the
continuation of our cultural traditions. Each candidate stood to introduce
themselves with a brief background of their interest and involvement in our
German society. As we thanked the retiring board members, they assured us of
their continued support and cooperation. Rich Aspenleiter turned over his
duties as bar manager to Christi Kile, our newly elected trustee with the
assurance of his continued support to Christi and our society. Charlotte
Shell's duties as 2nd Vice President have now been turned over to Ronald
Niederstadt, but Charlotte will remain our loyal supporter and continue
taking reservations for all of our events. Inge Cantu has devotedly
served as our membership trustee for many years and is graciously passing on her
duties to Annelore Kirn. Electra Jubson was unanimously elected to fill
our Social Trustee position. Barbara Vaughn, who has served us diligently
as our Interim Food Service Trustee, has now been elected to continue serving us
for at least another two years.
These newly elected board members will be serving along with Dianna Kilgore,
our secretary, Gail Miller, our treasurer, Becky Ostereich, our
Vice President, and Gary Puseman, our rental trustee, under the
leadership of our charming and enthusiastic president, Karin King.
As you will note, we are on the way to continuing our cultural traditions,
maintaining our society, and preserving our Cultural Haven, our Deutsches Haus.
~ Edgar
Don't Forget to Renew your Membership - Dear G.A.S. members, Renewing
your yearly membership of $50 per person, will ensure that you continue
receiving our monthly updates and club event calendar.
Your membership helps ensure the upkeep of our club, supporting the club's
dinners and fun events and promoting German culture in our community.
If we do not hear from you by the end of April, it is our understanding you are
no longer interested in receiving this newsletter.
Thank you for your continued support. ~ Karin King, Inge Cantu, and our new
Membership chairperson - Annelore Kirn.
Books - We have an assortment of German books in the Kaffee Stube looking
to be donated. Please come ASAP abd see if anything looks like you would love to
read and add to YOUR library.
We would like to thank all who attended the "Celebration of Life" on
March 6, 2024 for Carl Griffith. Carl was an important member of our club. Thank
you to the Concordia Choir for singing a beautiful tribute. His presence filled
the room along with the ice cream and popcorn.
MARCH 2024
Upcoming Election of Officers - Our general meetings have not been well
attended, getting less and less with every passing year. But now it is time to
elect new Officers and Board Trustees. Our General Meeting will be on Friday
April 5, 2024 at 6:30 pm. At our board meeting on March 1, 2024, we have
discussed the candidates for the vacancies on our board of directors, 2nd Vice
President, Bar Manager, Membership Chairperson and Social Trustee. If you are at
all interested in applying for any of these open positions, please call Edgar
Bueschke at 509-448-7029.
Copies of our recently revised bylaws are available on our society website at and then by clicking on members only
area. Send a message to if you need a username and
password to get access. You may also contact me or our secretary, Dianna
Kilgore, who can send you a copy via email attachment.
Please continue supporting our German American Society. ~ President, Karin King
Membership Dues for 2024 are Now Due! Thank you to all who have continued
to support our club by paying your dues and for the welcomed extra financial
donations. Make checks of $50 per member payable to the:
German American Society
Inga Cantu, Membership Chairperson
25 W. Third Ave Spokane, WA 99201
Election Time - If you would like to run for any of the following
positions, please contact Edgar Bueschke at 509-448-7029.
Bar Manager, 2nd Vice President, Membership Chairperson, Kitchen Trustee and
Social Trustee.
Open Helper Positions - Dishwasher, Hostess, Cooks, Dinner Servers, Bar
Servers, Parking Lot Attendant.
From the Library Committee - The club has accepted several donations of
old German books from families who no longer wish to hold them in their
libraries. The number of books is substantial, and we don't really have the room
for them as our small book case located in the Coffee Stube is already full.
Before we decide to donate them away to someone else, we are inviting the
German-American Society members to come check them out and take home anything
that you would like to add to your personal collection. Any remaining books will
be disposed of after the April 5th Election Meeting.
Out German American Society Mission Statement - The purpose of the
society is to offer "Hospitality" to all people of all nationalities who offer
support and foster the traditions of the Germanic homeland, to cultivate the
German language, to sing German songs and to enjoy humor, poetry, drama, music,
and dance in the tradition of the German Gemeutlichkeit.
KUDOS - A very special thank you to Elke Griffith, sisters and their team
who made our wonderful Ham Sweetheart Dinner. Alpine Deli for coming to the
Fundraiser Dinners Rescue.
Thank you to Lee Malinda, Tyler Price and Fred Stahl for helping Karin King and
Dianna Kilgore at the Convention Center for the Lunar New Year.
I would like to express a heartfelt "Thank You" to all out current and new
members as well as our volunteers who supported our club during this past year
in so many different and wonderful ways. Thank you for all the generous
donations that helped keep us afloat! You are appreciated more than words can
express and I am looking forward to celebrating many more events with you in the
Vielen Dank!
President, Karin King
Membership Renewal - Please remember to send in your 2024 membership
dues. Thank you to all that have paid already.
$50 per person. Please have dues in by the end of March!
Hope you have enjoyed the Newsletters. If you still want to be on our mailing
list, please let us know.
Membership Chairperson,
Inge, Cantu
A special "Thank You" - to our new member, a fun addition to our GAS
family. He has graciously donated to our club. His kindness will help us, and
the club, in so many ways. Thank you, Mr. Tyler Price.
Thank you to ALL who have donated with money, time, help around the club with
cooking, etc. You are all appreciated.
KUDOS - Thank you, Russ Heaton, for the delicious Sauerbraten Dinner, the
choir and members for the yummy birthday cakes, and all of the members who come
to the dinners that the cooks work hard to prepare for you to enjoy. If you are
so inclined, we are ALWAYS looking for cooks, servers and hosts.
Sunshine Committee - Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who have had
recent illnesses or has lost a loved one.
January is Membership Renewal Month! Another year has come and gone. What
better way to start out the new year, than renewing your Club Membership so you
can enjoy club benefits all year round!
$50.00 per member! Inge Cantu 509-467-7389
Dear club members and friends,
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. Another year has ended and what a year it
was. We have had significant losses of very special long time, club members.
Many of our pioneers. Several club maintenance issues that needed to be
addressed and fixed. Some are still in progress. We truly have been blessed with
Grants that has helped us get through, and thanks to all your support and
dedication we can continue to have more dinners and special events.
We are looking forward to the New Year with many new and fun opportunities. This
is sure to make us stronger for a very successful 2024.
My prayer is that you and your family will be richly blessed with happiness and
continued good health throughout the New Year.
Warmest Wishes
President Karin King
The ongoing Tasks of our German American Society Board of Trustees - Our
dedicated board of directors work hard to maintain our long-standing traditions,
the various services, as well maintaining our aging Deutsches Haus. These
dedicated members need to be recognized by name: Karin King, our enthusiastic
president; Becky Oestreich, our first vice president, who has also participated
in cooking delicious meals for us; Charlotte Shell, our second vice president,
whose number everyone calls to make reservations; Dianna Kilgore, our secretary,
who has maintained our records and is the editor of our newsletter; Gail Miller,
our treasurer, keeps our financial records in order; Inge Cantu, our Membership
trustee, is constantly welcoming new members; Gary Puseman, our Rental Trustee,
manages our rental facilities and oversees its care; Barbara Vaughn; Our newest
Food Service Trustee, maintains an accurate inventory of all our supplies
necessary for our many dinners; Rich Aspenleiter, our Bar Manager Trustee, makes
sure that our bar is well stocked; Ron Niederstadt, our Ways and Means Trustee,
in a short time has been thrust into new responsibilities including being
president of the Concordia Choir; Charity Doyl, is our social Trustee, who keeps
us informed of social activities within and outside of our society.
Our board members perform their elected duties above and beyond their described
board duties and positions. Our thanks and praise seem hardly enough, but for
now, that is all that we have to offer.
The term of service for some of our board members will expire in April of 2024.
All currently serving board members have been asked to accept another two-year
term. In November, according to our bylaws, a nominating committee is charged
with finding qualified candidates for the possible vacancies on the board. I,
who have served on the nominating committee for the past several years, am
asking you, dear Society members, to consider one of our board positions or be
willing to work on one of our committees. The rewards for such services are the
warm friendships and lasting bonds that have been formed over the years.
Please do contact one of our board members to volunteer a few hours of your time
to help keep our society thriving as the special place for our traditional
Gemütlichkeit. There are a number of tasks that volunteers could help with, such
as setting tables for our special events, help serve dinner, decorate our
Christmas tree as well as help in hiring and overseeing maintenance issues.
As I mentioned above, our board is doing a great job, but they surely would
greatly appreciate a bit more help from the general membership.
Edgar Bueschke
Thank you to ALL the Christmas Angels... Elke Griffith and daughter, for
the lovely decorations. Peter Schoen and friend, for a delicious dinner. Barbara
Vaughn, who did so much behind the scenes work. Rich Aspenleiter and Gae Meyer,
who held down the fort, served us our drinks and helped clean up after every
dinner event. Edgar Bueschke, for making the famous Glühwein. Which always make
our Christmas extra special.
Dear club members, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I
am proud to say that we are still functioning thanks to the dinners, rentals,
grants, club memberships and the generous donations by several club members!
Please join us for our Christmas dinner on December 16, 2023 at 5:30 pm and our
Christmas service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church. reception to follow at the
Deutsches Haus, for complimentary coffee and cookies on December 17, 2023 at
3:30 pm.
Wishing you a Happy Holidays and a very healthy and prosperous New Year!
President, Karin King
Kudos - Thank you, Andrea for cooking a wonderful dinner for our Pioneer
Day! Thank you to: Inge Cantu, Gary Puseman, Joe Letts, Becky Oestreich, Ron
Niederstadt, Hans Behrens and Ladies and Barbara Vaughn for their hard work
recovering the chairs.
Happy Birthday to all of our December members. Please join us January 20,
2023 for our Birthday Dinner. We will have a drawing each month and the winner
will go home with a cake!
Welcome New Members - Please join us in welcoming some of our newest club
members. Herzlich willkommen, we love having you and we are looking forward to
seeing you at some of our upcoming events.
Danke Schön - Thank you very much!
- Our German-American Haus was filled yet again during our recent
Oktoberfest. This German festival is duplicated and repeated everywhere, yet we
stand out. In our German-American Haus, we feature authentic German food, beer,
and above all, German Gemütlichkeit! We have a list of volunteers that
helped make this event such a success. The harmony with which our club members
work together is the reason that our German-American Society remains the oldest
and the only ethnic organization still functioning in this region. Events such
as Oktoberfest in our German-American Haus serve to enrich our cultural
experience, entertain us, and help create revenue to preserve and sustain our
haus. We are all proud to own and preserve our haus.
Ein groβes Dankeschön für Eure Hilfe!
Karin King
Oktoberfest Review - Our 4th
annual Oktoberfest was not only very successful, but also a lot of fun and
everyone had a great time. Welcome to all the many new members that joined our
club during the Oktoberfest celebration. A special "thank you" goes out to our
advertisers who graciously contributed to our success by donating their
● George Weimer -
Das Stein Haus for pretzels and brats, potato salad, and sauerkraut.
● U-haul and Frankie Doodle for parking.
● Mayor Nadine Woodward for tapping the keg.
● Edgar Bueschke and Delta Airlines/Unifi.
● And all of our volunteers!
Dear Members, We are having a
small workshop on November 1st at 3 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help us
recover our chairs with new fabric and possibly clean outside around the club.
If you can spare an hour or two, it would be appreciated. Many hands make work
so much easier and fun. If you have any questions and are willing to help,
please call Inge Cantu at 509-435-7286. Thank you, Inge Cantu
Membership Chairman
Oktoberfest - September 30th!
Come and celebrate this fun filled event and our biggest fundraiser of the year!
Catered by George Weimer from the Das Stein Haus! The food will be exceptional!
Our 3rd annual OKTOBERFEST plans for
2023 are well underway to make it another fun event in our German Hall. We need
volunteers to relieve other volunteers so that we all have a chnace to mingle
and socialize in an atmosphere of German "Gemütlichkeit."
Oktoberfest Volunteers Needed -
1. Cashiers for front entrance. We now
make it possible for guests to pay by credit cards. If interested, contact Gail
Miller at or
2. Host or Hostess to greet and usher
guests into the hall and away from a congested entrance area.
3. Beer and beverage servers - must
have a MAST License that you can get at Contact Rich
Aspenleiter at or
4. Parking lot attendant.
5. Kaffee Stube (Coffee and Cake Room)
6. Pretzel Table
7. People to help to decorate.
8. Oct 2 to help "take down" and clean
Your questions, suggestions and ideas
are always welcome to help make the events at our German-American Society a
continued success. Please come to Oktoberfest and be prepared to enjoy German "Gemütlichkeit"
on the 30th of September!
Please contact if you have any questions or would
like to volunteer.
Oktoberfest Committee - A
heartfelt thank you to our OKTOBERFEST planning committee. They have diligently
been working on making our 3rd annual event a success.
Committee members are - Karin King, George Weimer, Rich Aspenleiter, Inge Cantu,
Gary Puseman, Ron Niederstadt, Joe Letts, Becky Oestreich, Bruce and Gaul
Miller, Kevin and Dianna Kilgore.
JUNE 2023
To our club members - It is hard to believe, but the first half of 2023
is ending. Our last dinner meeting before we recess for the summer month, will
be on the 17th of June, 2023, and it promises to be a very special event as the
Happy Wanderers Band will be playing for us.
In looking back of the past few years, I am very relieved to say that we
survived these challenging times in better shape than expected.
Of course, this is only due in thanks to all of your generous participation in
attending our dinners, the renewal of your memberships and all the many
volunteers' efforts. The "grants" we have received, as well as our rentals that
sustained us. Words cannot express how thankful, grateful, and encouraged I am
about your continued support.
This gives me hope that moving forward into the fall season, we can come back
even better and stronger.
During the summer months, our Oktoberfest committee will be working on our next
:Oktoberfest." Our famous Oktoberfest will take part on Saturday, September 30,
2023. SAVE THE DATE!! If you are so inclined to volunteer, please call me, Karin
King at 509-499-0109.
We are looking forward to welcoming you and your friends and families to all the
upcoming actives.
With thanks and gratitude,
Karin King, President
Honor Award Ceremony - This award is presented to Alex and Elaine
Schoen in loving memory and appreciation for their many years of devoted
service to the German-American Society and to the Concordia Choir. As president
of the choir, he inspired us, he arranged and led us to many Sängerfests. He
invited or recruited many of us to join the choir, including me in 1965. Alex
passed away in 1999. His devoted wife, Elaine was singing with our choir even
last year when she died last November. To receive this award is their daughter,
Barbara Schoen Voughn.
The next award goes to Ralph and Marianne Tibbetts, who served our
society since the early seventies. Ralph and Marianne contributed many hours to
the German Club by cooking some of their favorite dinners: Schnitzel, Rouladen
and Pork Roast. They also were members of our Concordia Choir and brought their
son, Ben to sing with us and to carry on the Tibbetts tradition. Sadly, Ralph,
Marianne and their youngest son, Ben, are no longer with us. To receive this
award on their behalf is their son, Ralph Tibbetts.
Eberhard and Susie Schmidt have been active members of the
German-American Society and the Concordia Choir these past 45 years. Most of you
are aware of the long list of contributions that Eberhard has made. Eberhard was
elected president in 1986 while I was elected vice president. A few years later,
he was elected president of the Concordia Choir while I was elected vice
president. So, we had many years of friendly collaboration as officers of this
society, but our lasting friendship will remain unforgettable. And Susie's help
and support has been tireless. Her name is inscribed in bold letters as her
place in our Kaffeestube. We are so happy that she is with us to personally
receive this award.
With us this evening are two beloved pioneers of the German-American Society,
Lee and Maria McKeirnan. Maria joined the German-American Society in 1957
and soon after joined the Concordia Choir, which then was called the Arion
Choir. Maria sang with us until the age of 89 and she has remained a faithful
member of our choir to this day. It is an honor and respect to announce her age
of 91. There is a long list of services and contributions attributed to her
involvement in our society. In 1992, she took the lead in organizing the
Sängerfest involving German singing clubs throughout the Pacific Northwest and
Canada. Her devoted husband, Lee McKeirnan, is still at her side right here in
our German Club. Lee remained a great support of her and of our German culture
and traditions. We are delighted to greet them and applaud them here in our
Norm Seeberger has contributed much to the well-known Gemütlichkeit and
the festive atmosphere that exists here at the German-American Society. He and
his wonderful accordion music has made us all lively and enthused for many
years. We, in the Concordia Choir, have marched into this hall to Norm's playing
of Mein Vater war ein Wandersman - The happy wanderer. Our choir has been
invited to perform at many retirement homes and other occasions. We were
grateful that we could count on Norm to accompany us. Norm, a North Dakota
native, not far from Lawrence Welk's home town, was influenced by that type of
music that gloriously resonated with the rhythm of Germans in our club. Norm
gladly played requests. "Life in the Findland Woods" was one of my favorite
requests. So, with much appreciation, we award you this token of our
KUDOS - Thank you to All involved in the Pioneer Day/Honor Award
Ceremony. What a special event that was. Thank you to Andrea from Alpine Deli
for yet another amazing dinner.
Becky Oestreich and team for the delicious Mother's Day Cornish Game Hen dinner.
So wonderful to see the young children, "our future" helping and learning our
traditions. Thank you, Becky, for sharing your family with us.
We want to say a very special "Thank You" to our board and Maintenance Committee
for all the hard work and many hours they have been putting towards our club. A
simple "Thank You" is not enough. Your efforts and willingness is very
MAY 2023
A note from our president - At our general meeting on the 31st of March,
we elected our new board members. They are ready to assume their duties and
responsibilities. They are ready to navigate our German Society with financial
fidelity towards fulfilling our social and cultural goals. We are fortunate that
we have found such qualified and dedicated candidates to assume the following
vacated positions.
Please welcome Becky Tibbets-Oestreich as our new Vice President.
Please welcome Patty Boylan as our new Kitchen Trustee.
Please welcome Ron Niederstadt as our new Choir President and Ways and Means
We have a very competent and dedicated board of directors who work hard to
provide and maintain our cherished cultural haven. They may not only provide the
leadership of our organization, but they mostly provide the actual work of
cleaning, painting, moving, sorting, advertising as well as cooking. They have
been generous with their time as well as financial contributions. They do this
because they love our society and it is our wish that more of you will volunteer
your services in such things as cooking, serve as hosts, help organize our
dinners, help with entertainment and any one of the many things to help provide
the German Gemütlichkeit for which our society has always been known.
A Special Thank You - Andrea and family from Alpine Deli for her AMAZING
Rouladen with Kloesse at our Pioneer Day Spring Concert Dinner!
The Choir for the beautiful club set up both upstairs and downstairs and the
delicious cakes.
Special recipients of honorary awards from our Spring Concert were - Eberhard
Schmidt Family, Elaine Schoen Family, Tibbets Family, Lee and Maria McKeirnan
and Norm Seeberger. More info to follow in the June newsletter.
Welcome New Members - Tyler Price and Richard Kuhlig and thank you to ALL
our loyal members. Your support is what continues to get us through thick and
thin. We depend on the money to pay the bills, but we also need VOLUNTEERS to
help keep the club in shape.
Membership dues are now PAST DUE - Please pay your membership current
ASAP so you can continue receiving our informational newsletter and joining us
for special dinners and events. We don't want to lose you!! Thank you,
Inge Cantu - Membership Chairman
APRIL 2023
Welcome to all our new members. We are so honored that you have joined our
club family: Olesia Letts, Rosemarie Schmidt, Bethany Phillips, Robert and
Ruth Johnson, Richard and Lorilee Schoen, Eric Kristin, Gia and Quin Schoen,
Hamid Becirovic, Mikaken Cosic, Sanyin Sadzak, Sedin Unkic, Aaron and Johannah
Crandall, Floyd Schneider, Edward Zeiser, Tammy White, Michael Adolfac, and,
David and Connie Stiller.
Eberhardt Schmidt has been a member of the GAS for over 45 years.
Eberhard was always friendly, kind, and full of fun. He was involved in and
contributes to the activities and the upkeep of the club and building. He
supported the GAS in every conceivable manner. The club membership recently
participated with Eberhard's family and friends, in honoring his legacy by
music, song, and beautiful words. It seems fitting we continue to honor Eberhard
in a more concrete way.
In consultation with the President Karin King, as well as Susie Schmidt, an "Eberhard
Schmidt Memorial Fund" has been established. To date, Lee and Marie McKeirnan,
Edgar Bueschke, and Mallene and Hans Herzog, have contributed $500 per family to
kick start this fund. The fund was established for the renovation and
improvement of the kitchen facilitiues. The kitchen project was chosen because
of the amount of time and energy the Schmidt family put into serving the
membership and guests at numerous dinners and events.
We invite you, the membership, to consider a contribution to continue the work
that Eberhard unselfishly contributed for so many years. $1500 is already in the
fund to purchase and install a new hot water tank close to the kitchen.
Thank you for your consideration of a donation to this memorial established in
the honor of our dearly departed friend, Eberhard Schmidt.
Mallene and Hans Schmidt
Dear GAS Club Members, Renewing your yearly membership of $50 per person
will ensure that you continue receiving our monthly updates and club events
Your membership helps ensure the upkeep of our club, supporting the club's
dinners and fun events and promoting German culture in our community.
If we do not hear from you by the end of April, it is our understanding you are
no longer interested in receiving this newsletter.
Thank you for your continued support.Karen King and Inge Cantu
We would like to thank all who attended the "Celebration of Life" for
Eberhard Schmidt. We all felt his presence. Eberhard was truly a pillar of our
club. Thank you to Andrea from Alpine Deli, the Concordia Choir, as well as our
guests. The Spokane Symphony String Quartet. It was such a blessed afternoon.
MARCH 2023
Election Time: If you would like to run for any of the following
positions, please contact Edgar Bueschke at 509-448-7029.
Thank You to Inge Cantu, for
single handedly cleaning out the Broom Closet, and even painted the concrete
floor! Gary and Inge also have installed motion lights going down the back stair
Upcoming Election of Officers:
Our general meetings have not been well attended, getting less and less with
every passing year. But now, it is time to ELECT new Officers and Board
Trustees. Our General Meeting will be on Friday April 1, 2023 at 6:30 pm. At our
board meeting on March 3, 2023, we will be discussing the candidates for the
vacancies on our Board of Directors, Vice President, Ways and Means, Food
Service Trustee.
If you are at all interested in
applying for any of these open positions, please call: Edgar Bueschke at
Copies of our recently revised bylaws
are available on our society website and then by clicking members only area at You may also contact me or our
secretary, Dianna Kilgore, who can send you a copy via email attachment.
Please continue supporting our German
American Society.
President, Karin King
KUDOS - A very special thank
you to Russ and Ann Heaton and their team who made our wonderful Schnitzel
Sweetheart Dinner and Becky Tibbets and helpers for a last minute request to
tend the Kaffee Stube.
Advertise in our newsletter -
Thank you to all our loyal members and businesses who advertise in our
newsletter. Because of their generosity, we can print and send our newsletters.
Please take the time to look over the list of advertisers. Please Thank and
SUPPORT their businesses.
A Valentines Message from the President - I would like to express a
heartfelt "Thank You" to all of our current and new members as well as our
volunteers who supported our club during this past year in so many different and
wonderful ways. Thank you for all the generous donations that helped keep us
You are appreciated more than words can express and I am looking forward to
celebrating many more events with you in the future. Vielen Dank!
Karin King
Membership Dues: Please remember to send in your 2023 membership
dues. $50 per person. Please send them in by the end of March! Hope you have
enjoyed the newsletters, If you still want to be on our calling list, please let
us know.
Inge Cantu
Membership Chairperson
Our Dedicated Board of Directors - A new year has begun and old
commitments and responsibilities have remained and have re-emerged for our
dedicated board of trustees to deal with. The board has bravely and skillfully
navigated through the stormy Covid pandemic, and nobody has abandoned ship. Our
dedicated members are and have been determined to carry on with determination
and dedication.
There are prescribed duties and obligations on our annual calendar such as
election of officers scheduled for April. I have served on the nominating
committee for several years and it becomes more challenging to find willing and
qualified candidates. I have also asked members to serve with me on the
nominating committee. It was mostly fear of Covid exposures the reason for their
As long as things are going well, most of us resist change but rather hope
things will continue continuing on. We are most fortunate that most if our board
members have agreed to stay on and continue to serve our society. They are:
Karin King, who has served our society as our President since 2016.
Charlotte Shell, our second Vice President has agreed to stay with us and
provide us the additional service of taking and making reservations for our
membership. Dianna Kilgore, our dedicated secretary who has also agreed
to continue preparing and publishing our newsletter. Gail Miller, has
agreed to continue maintaining our financial records as our treasurer. Inge
Cantu, will continue to serve us as our membership trustee. Gary Puseman,
our rental trustee, will continue coordinating with renters who rent our
facilities. Charity Doyle, our social trustee, will continue keeping us
informed and connected. Rich Aspenleiter, has agreed to serve another
year as bar manager with the provision that we seek and find a bar manager in a
Our dear Eberhardt Schmidt has left us saddened and has left a vacancy on
the board. Dr. Hans Behrens has graciously agreed to be a candidate for
that position.
We have a candidate for the Food Service Trustee: Patty Boylan, who has
served our organization in the kitchen before.
I am delighted to nominate Rebecca Oestreich as our First Vice President.
Rebecca is the daughter of Ralph and Marianne Tibbets (both deceased) who have
served our organization for many years. Rebecca has served our organization by
cooking and recently volunteered along with her brother, Ralph, to cook our
Mother's Day dinner.
In the meantime, I am willing to continue to serve in my capacity to find
qualified candidates to serve our society either as board members or members of
the various committees. We accept nominations until our April election. If you
wish to be a candidate or wish to nominate a candidate, please call, text, or
email me. ~ Edgar Bueschke
January is Membership Renewal Month! Another year has come and gone. What
better way to start out the new year, than renewing your "club membership" so
you can enjoy club benefits all year around! The cost is only $50 per member.
You can call Inge Cantu at 509-467-7389, or send your $50 payment to 25 W. Third
Ave, Spokane, WA 99201.

We are excited to welcome the following people into our club family:
Eric, Kristin, Gia and Quin Schoen, Floyd Schneider, Michael Adolfar, Mariam
and Jeff Dreewas, Robert and Ruth Johnson, David and Connie Stiller, Edward
Zeiser and Tammy White, and Caleb Kruse.
Take a Look at What's Coming Next:
Friday, February 3rd, 5:30 pm, Board Meeting
Saturday, February 11th, 6 pm, Sweet Heart/Fasching Dinner
Dear Club Members, This past year we have experienced some major
maintenance problems, but "thanks to our President, Karin King, who with the
help of Charity Bagatsing Doyl, put in countless hours and thus were able to
secure an amazing grant in the amount of over $20,000 for our club. Well done!"
I am proud to say that we are still functioning thanks to the dinners, rentals,
grants, club memberships and the generous donations by several club members.
Please join us for our Christmas service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church located
at 24th and Grand Blvd. Reception to follow at the Deutsches Haus for
complimentary coffee and cookies on December 11, 2020 at 3 pm.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and a healthy and prosperous New Year. - Karin King -
Spokane Preservation Advocates - Historic Preservation Awards presented
"The Cultural Award" to the German American Society on November 6, 2022.
As the holiday season is upon us, I return to my German heritage in
celebrating the customs and traditions of my Heimat. I fondly remember the many
Christmas holidays I spent with family in Germany and the traditions my parents
handed down to me and my sister. These traditions and customs I passed down to
my own children who now, as adults, still expect me to place chocolate and
oranges in their shoes on St. Nikolaustag. As members and friends of our German
Society in Spokane, I challenge you to wrap yourself in the unexpected and
celebrate some German traditions this holiday season. On December 6th, St.
Nikolaustag, surprise your children, spouse, partner, friends by placing
chocolate and an orange in their shoes. During a weekend before Christmas,
attend a local Christkindlmarkt (take a tripe to Leavenworth! I will be
attending one in Hayden if you prefer something closer), sing some German
Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. However, you choose to celebrate, I wish you
all a Frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute im neuen Jahr! - Karin Austin
Dear Members, - Another Oktoberfest is in the books. I am happy to say
that it was a very successful and much needed event. Our gratitude and
appreciation goes to all that helped and donated. We were especially honored to
have Mayor Nadine Woodward and City Councilman Michael Cathcart, join us.
Looking forward to our Pioneer Day, please invite family and friends.
Please continue to join and support all of this season's events and festivities.
Karin King, President
Oktoberfest Review - Our 3rd annual Oktoberfest was not only very
successful, but also a lot of fun and everyone had a great time. Welcome to all
of our many new members who joined our club during the Oktoberfest celebration.
A special "thank you" goes out to our advertisers who graciously contributed to
our success by donating their services!
Andrea Lejeune-Weiler -- Alpine Deli for Brats, Sauerkraut and Cooking
George Weimer -- Das Stein Haus for Pretzels and Potatoe Salad
U-Haul and Frankie Doodle for parking
Mayor Nadine Woodward for Tapping the "keg"
Oktoberfest Platinum Sponsors
Cantu Commercial Properties LLC with Inge Cantu and Gary Puseman
Edgar Bueschke
Oktoberfest Gold Sponsors
Omohundro Family Trust
Oktoberfest Silver Sponsors
Jon Heimbigner
Northwest Mobile IV
B&G Holsteins
Findley Toyota
Fairmount Retirement
Oktoberfest In Kind Donations
Aipine Deli
Das Stein Haus
Odom Brewery and Distributing
Charity Bagatsing
Rich Aspenleiter
Joe Danneker
Waltraut Johnson
Helga Switzer
Dankeschön -- Thank you very much -
Our Deutsches Haus was filled to overflowing during our recent Oktoberfest.
This beloved German festival is duplicated, imitated and repeated everywhere.
Yet we stand out. In our Deutsches Haus we feature authentic German food, beer,
and above all, German Genütlichkeit, a most endearing ingredient for a wonderful
time. I have a long list of volunteers that helped make this event such a
success. The cooperation, friendliness and harmony with which our club members
work together is the reason that our German American Society remains the oldest
and the only ethnic organization still functioning in this region. Events such
as our Oktoberfest in our Deutsches Haus serve to enrich our cultural
experience, entertain us and help create revenue to preserve and sustain our
haus. We are all proud to own and preserve our Deutsches Haus. Ein groβes
dankeschön für Eure Hilfe! - Edgar
Welcome back! Hope you all had a fun and restful "summer!" We at the
German-American Society are looking forward to everyone joining us in the up
coming fall events and activities!
Choir Picnic- This August, Concordia Choir picnic had a welcomed summer
social event. It is a traditional yearly event that requires the help and
cooperation of our choir members. We owe much of its success to Elke Griffith,
who arranged for us to meet at this lovely shelter in Post Falls Q'emiln Park.
Elke and Carl as well as their daughter and granddaughter started at noon to set
up tables with colorful coverings. They provided plates, napkins, tablecloths,
plastic wear, cups, condiments and sauerkraut, as well as the buns for the
Bratwurst. Everything was ready for our guests to arrive at two in the
It is with help and cooperation that we can enjoy such socializing. Colorful
salads, snacks and desserts made this picnic delicious and festive. To help move
the heavy BBQ grill, it took a bit of manly muscle. Eberhard and Susie Schmidt
(yes Susie) helped me lift the grill onto the trailer for me to transport it to
Post Falls. With the help of JD and Bradley Hilliard, the grill was loaded again
to be returned, and then at home Fred Stahl and Roger Reese came by to help
unload it again. I could not have managed it alone. Thank you for your help.
Thank you all for participating. We all contribute to make our Concordia Choir
special and meaningful. Your beautiful voice alone os a special contribution, so
without it there would be no choir. We look forward to seeing you and hearing
you when we resume rehearsals in September. - Edgar
Out Third annual OKTOBERFEST plans for 2022 are well underway to make it
another fun event in our German Hall. We need volunteers to relieve other
volunteers so that we all have a chance to mingle and socialize in an atmosphere
of German "Gemütlichkeit."
Kudos Oktoberfest Committee - A heartfelt thank you to our OKTOBERFEST
planning committee. They have diligently been working on making our 3rd annual
OKTOBERFEST a success. The committee consists of: Karin King, Rich Aspenleiter,
JD Lythgoe-Hilliard, Hans Behrens, Patty Boylan, Eberhart Schmidt, Inge Cantu,
Gary Puseman, Charity Doyl, Helga Switzer, Waltrut Johnson, Pamela Newell, Mr.
and Mrs. Letts, Ralph Tibbets, Rosemarie Carlson, Bruce and Gail Miller, Kevin
and Dianna Kilgore.
JUNE 2022
To our cub members - It's hard to believe, but the first half of 2022 is
ending. Out last dinner meeting before we recess for the summer month, will be
on 11 June 2022 and it promises to be a very special event.
In looking back to the last 6 months, I am very relieved to say that we survived
these challenging times in better shape than expected.
Of course, this in only due in thanks to all of your generous participation in
attending our dinners, the renewal of your memberships and all of the many
volunteers' efforts, as well as our rentals which helped. Words cannot express
enough how thankful, grateful and encouraged I am about your continued support.
This gives me hope that moving forward into the fall season, we can come back
even better and stronger.
We are very excited to announce that on 4 August the German American Society has
been selected to receive the Cultural Heritage Award, sponsored by the Spokane
Preservation Advocates. Thanking us for our cultural contributions to our
Our first dinner of the fall season will be in September.
After a long two years of not being able to celebrate larger events, we are
finally planning on hosting our famous Oktoberfest on 1 October 2022.
We are looking forward to welcoming you and your friends and families to all the
upcoming activities.
With thanks and gratitude,
Karin King
Kudos and a Very Special Thank You - To the Concordia Choir for their
beautiful voices that made our Pioneer Day extra Specials.
Edgar Bueschke for inviting the entertaining and talented "Spokane String
To Annelore Kirn and team for their delicious dinner. Judy Palrud for all of her
decorations and lovely plants and to all those who volunteered to make our
Pioneer Day such a wonderful successful evening!
Thank you to Dan Ueller's long time service for taking care of our dumpster on a
weekly basis.
Ron Niederstadt for taking over Dan's duties for moving our dumpster in and out.
Members who volunteered to make our club more beautiful - Karin King,
Karl and Elke Griffith, Robert and Kelly Daigen, JD Lythgoe-Hillard, Tolome, Joe
Letts, Gail Miller, Eberhardt Schmidt, Inga Cantu and Gary Puseman, Rich and his
grandson, Jordon, Hans Behrens, Dianna and Kevin Kilgore.
MAY 2022
A note from your President: At you General Meeting on the 8th of April,
we elected new board member and she is ready to assume her duties and
responsibilities. She is eager to navigate our German Society with financial
fidelity towards fulfilling our social and cultural goals. We are fortunate that
we have found a qualified and dedicated candidate to assume the following
vacated position.
Please welcome Charity Doyl as our new Social Trustee.
Charity Doyl is the publisher of the Family Guide - a parenting directory
distributed at local schools. In addition to being a professional event
organizer for the Family Fun Fair, Spokane's Lunar Year, Asian Native Hawaiian
Pacific Islander Heritage Day. Art Earth Festival and Northwest Winterfest.
She inherited the library collection of her Great-grandfather, Henry Otley
Beyer, a German-American sent to the Philippines in the 1900's to conduct the
census for the United States new territory. He fell in love with the country
anddevoted his life to preserving its history. Charity joined the
German-American Society to learn more about her German heritage.
"I have felt at home from day #1; the members, board andofficers made me feel
welcome and part of the family. I am honored to serve as a Board of Trustee and
embrace this part of my genealogy."
We have a very competent and dedicated board of directors who work hard to
provide and maintain our cherished cultural haven. They not only provided the
leadership of our organization, but they mostly provide the actual work of
cleaning, painting, moving, sorting, advertising as well as cooking. They have
been generous with their time as well as financial contributions. They do this
because they love our society and it is our wish that more of you will volunteer
your services in such things as cooking, serve as hosts, help organize our
dinners, help with entertainment and anyone of the many things to help provide
the German Gemütlichkeit for which our society has always been known. - Karin
A Special Thank You To:
Peter Schoen andfamily for the AMAZING Rouladen Dinner! The Schoen's graciously
donated all the food provided for the Glass Jar Rouladen Dinner.
Elke and her team for their DELICIOUS Pork Roast Birthday Dinner that was
donated by husband, Carl Griffith, and her daughters for the Easter decoractions.
Thank you to all who donated the beautiful Birthday Cakes!
Take a Look at What's to Come Next Month:
Friday - June 3, 2022 - 6:30 pm - General membership Meeting.
Saturday - June 11, 2022 - 6 pm - Father's Day Dinner "Chicken Schnitzel" cooked
by Esma Hatkic
Welcome New Members and thank you to our loyal ones. Your support is what
has got us through thick and thin. We depend on the money to pay our bills, but
also need VOLUNTEERS to help keep the club in shape.
Membership dues are now Past Due for 2022. Please pay your membership
current ASAP so you can continue receiving our informational Newsletter and
joining us for special dinners and events. We don't want to lose you! Thank you.
- Inge Cantu
Dear Members, It is time to clean and organize our club. We need YOU
to be part of this event. There is a job for EVERYONE to do whether
it is cleaning shelves, changing out light bulbs or sitting and filling
saltshakers. Wear your cleaning clothes and bring a potluck dish!
Your Membership Chairperson will be hosting and directing you to your assigned
Inge Cantu @ 509-467-7389
APRIL 2022
Dear G.A.S. Club Members - Renewing your yearly membership of $50
per person will ensure that you continue receiving our monthly updates and club
events calendar.
Your membership helps ensure the upkeep of our club, supporting the club's
dinners and fun events and promoting German culture in our community.
If we do not hear from you by the end of April, it will be our understanding you
are no longer interested in receiving this newsletter.
Thank you for your continued support,
Karin King and Inge Cantu
Election Time - We will be voting in our new candidates April 9th. If you
would like to run for any of the following positions, please contact Edgar
Bueschke at 509-448-7029 before April 1st.
Open Positions - Social Trustee and Maintenance Position.
Planning Ahead - May 14, 2022 - Spring Concert and Dinner. Featuring
Concordia Choir and Special guest performers, Spokane String
MARCH 2022
Terms are expiring on April 9 at the German-American Society General
Meeting. If you would like to run for any of the following positions, please
contact Edgar Bueschke at 509-448-7029.
President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Ways and Means, Membership
Trustee, Rental Trustee
Open Positions - Maintenance Position and Social Trustee.
Upcoming Election of Officers - Our general meetings have not been well
attended, getting less and less with every passing year. It has largely been due
to the Covid pandemic. Now that we see signs and hear rumors that there will be
some easing on the restrictive way that we had to conduct our club business, I
am hopeful that we might announce a general meeting. This is in anticipation of
our election meeting on the 1st of April. At our general meeting on March 4th,
2022, we have discussed the one candidate for the one vacancy on our board of
directors for Social Trustee. No other candidate was introduced at the March
~Edgar Bueschke
By-Laws - Copies of our recently revised by-laws are available on our
society website at and then by clicking "Members Only
Area." You will need a username and password to get access. You can also contact
Edgar Bueschke or the secretary, Dianna Kilgore, who can send you a copy via
email attachment.
~ Edgar Bueschke
Lost and Found - If you are missing items at the club, they may be in the
lost and found. Come take a look.
KUDOS - A very special thank you to Dianna and Gail and their team who
made our wonderful Goulasch Dinner. Also, a very special thank you to Russ
Heaton, and his team, for his Brisket Dinner and Judy Palrud for decorating for
the Fasching.
Membership Dues - Please pay your membership dues of $50 per person and
send them to -
German-American Society
25 W. 3rd Ave
Spokane, WA 99201
Advertise in our Newsletter - Thank you to all our loyal members and
businesses who advertise in our newsletter. Because of their generosity, we can
print and send our newsletters. Please take time to look over the list of
advertisers and please THANK and SUPPORT their businesses.
Gus Apsey - We had a great turn out for Gus Apsey's celebration of life
on 20 February 2022. We are grateful and humbled for the many financial
donations we received in his name. Pictures of the celebration are to follow
A Valentine's Message from the President - I would like to express a
heartfelt "Thank You" to all of our current and new members, as well as our
volunteers who supported our club during this past difficult year in so many
different and wonderful ways. Thank you for all of the generous donations that
helped keep us afloat! You are appreciated more than words can express and I am
looking forward to celebrating many more events with you in the future. Vielen
Dank, Karin King
Our dedicated board of directors - Our dedicated board of directors has
bravely and skillfully navigated through this stormy Covid pandemic, and nobody
has abandoned ship. When the menacing Covid restrictions threatened our
scheduled sit-down dinners, plans had to be changed. Volunteers were called to
provide takeout dinners. True, that is not the same as sitting and chatting with
our friends across a decorated dinner table, but it is the best alternative to
doing nothing. And the board is determined to carry on with the concept of not
to do nothing.
There are prescribed duties and obligations on our annual calendar such as
election of officers scheduled for April. I have served on the nominating
committee for several years and it becomes more difficult to find more willing
and qualified candidates. I have also asked members to serve with me on the
nominating committee. It was mostly fear of Covid exposure as the reason for
their decline.
Just for a moment consider the idyllic thought, just as in the past years, a
hall filled on election night. Then members will retire to the kitchen to count
the ballots and then the president will announce the winner. We know that will
not happen this year, but what can we realistically expect?
Is it wise to disrupt and rock our boat during these uncertain times and
conditions? I have asked our board members to continue serving our board. Some
say yes, and others answered with a smile that suggests we must wait and see
what happens. I do hope that they all will continue serving our society with
diligence and dedication that they have shown so far. I think they will, but
they need your help and support. So please, continue volunteering and supporting
our board and our events.
In the meantime, I am willing to continue to serve in my capacity to find
qualified candidates to serve our society either as board members or members of
various committees. If you wish to be a candidate or wish to nominate a
candidate, please call, text, or email me at 509-220-8371. - Edgar Bueschke
Membership renewals - Please remember to send in your 2022 membership
dues of $50 per member. Please try to have dues in by the end of March to keep
receiving our newsletters. -
Inga Cantu
Membership Chairperson
From the President: Dear Club Members,
As your president, along with the help of several other board and club members,
we have been working diligently over the past years to sustain the club through
this period of uncertainty created by the pandemic.
I am proud to say that we are still functioning thanks to the takeout dinners,
Rentals, Grants, Club memberships and the generous donations by several club
Please join us for our Christmas service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church.
Reception to follow at the Deutsches Haus, for complimentary coffee and cookies
on December 19, 2021 at 3 pm.
Karin King
Our German American Society Mission Statement:
The Purpose of the Society is to offer Hospitality to all people of all
nationalities who offer support and foster the traditions of the
Germanic homeland, to cultivate the German language, to sing German songs
and to enjoy humor, poetry, drama, music, and dance
in the tradition of the German Gemeutlichkeit.
Club member Update: John King has retired as our Maintenance Repair Man.
If you are interested in being his replacement, contact John for further
information at 509-499-7989
Gary Puseman - our Rental Coordinator is retiring in April. If you are
interested in filling the Rental Position, please contact Gary for further
information at 509-960-0805.
Welcome to our new members and "Thank You" to the old members for hanging in
there with us in these difficult times. Hope you all stayed well and can come to
our club to have a good time and delicious dinners. - Your Membership
Chairperson, Inge Cantu
Rental Coordinator Position: The club is looking for a rental
coordinator. This position requires an outgoing personality, meet and greet
people, make appointments with clients to show the building and keep track of
incoming and outgoing monies. You will also create monthly reports to the G.A.S.
board. If you're interested, call Gary Puseman at 509-960-0805.
Game Night: This year we are starting a new feature at the club - a
game/movie night which is starting December 10, 2021 at 6 pm. Initially, it will
be on a monthly basis, but will also include additional times when warranted
such as Gonzaga University games. It will consist of a variety of card games,
board games, chess/checkers, trivia, scrabble and darts. We will alternate these
nights with German and English speaking movies viewed on a large screen TV.
Sporting events of importance will also become available when they occur.
Opportunities for presentation by members on a variety of subjects can also be
scheduled. Snacks and the bar will be available. We invite you to come and join
us for evenings of fun and fellowship. Stay tuned for updates as we approach
launch time.
Sunshine Committee: Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those who
have had recent illnesses or has lost a loved one.
Facebook: "Like" or "Follow" our Facebook page. We are asking everyone,
as well as your friends, to go to our Facebook page at and
"Like" or "Follow" the page. We are going to try increasing activity on the page
with all kinds of interesting information pertaining to Germany and our club. We
also ask everyone to "Like" or comment on any posts you see to help with
increasing our coverage and popularity and spreading the word.
Our Board at Work: We seldom hear from our elected men and women who
diligently keep our German-American Society running. They do not toot their own
horn, so I would like to give a little toot for them. Things seem quiet and
uneventful, but the business of our organization is ongoing. At last Friday's
board meeting it was mentioned that some of our society members don't feel well
informed, or that your newsletter did not arrive. Your comments welcomed, they
have been heard, they have been discussed, and answered by the board.
The board has acted decisively on our various commitments and plans, although
changes and revisions had to be made to comply with health mandates. For
example, Oktoberfest has always been a loved celebration to beer and fun-loving
Germans. A large Oompa band was hired. Volunteers in various areas were
scheduled including bratwurst cooks and beer servers. The Oompa band backed out
because of Covid. We even committed another band, but under this uncertain
health climate, we could not proceed with our plans.
Pioneer Day is scheduled for the 13th of November. Because it is a smaller event
that mainly includes our membership and guests, we plan to move forward on this.
The Concordia Choir, that is usually the main feature has not had a chance to
rehearse, but has now scheduled rehearsals with all vaccinated choir members. We
shall keep you informed.
The board welcomes your comments and suggestions, but even more than your
comments, the board invites you to be more involved in the various club
activities by volunteering your time. Just contact any of our board members if
you could serve us as a cook, hosting, serving at dinners, decorating and many
such activities to become acquainted with the functions of our club and possibly
being a candidate for a board position.
Time and space keep me from naming the activities of all board members. There
are plans under way for innovative activities for the entertainment and
amusement of our members. Details will be published soon. In the meantime,
please continues supporting our organization by attending our dinners and other
activities. As we individually cope with this health pandemic, so is our baord
of directos to do as much as possible for the good of our society. - Edgar
JUNE 2021

Beautifying our Deutsches Haus has been an ongoing endeavor by our committed
members and especially our dedicated board members. Currently, the north facade
will catch the attention and admiration of passing traffic on Third Avenue. The
mural that Karin Austin has designed is now becoming a reality. Hans Behrens,
who also expresses his artistic talents with a paint brush, is seen on the
scaffolding along with Karin. And soon, the large blank archway will reveal a
colorful scene, reminders of German landscape and culture.
We hope that such endeavors will inspire more of our members to participate and
contribute to keeping our Deutsches Haus as our inviting home for our members
and guests. Currently, we have a most enthusiastic board of directors who
contribute generously of their time as well as financially to preserving and
maintaining our house. Because of the pandemic, our income has shrunk
drastically as most of you are aware. Our fund-raising dinners had to be halted
and our hall rentals were cancelled. We honor and acknowledge those who
contribute financially by placing their names on a decorative plaque and we
would be grateful to see your name appear on it as well.
Not so lovely as our mural are the ongoing efforts of such things as the repair
of our roof, the water damaged ceiling. We filled in and cemented over the large
planter area in front of the now painted archway. A wrought iron fence is
planned around that area to protect the mural. These are just a few items that
require your generosity of time or contribution. There are many generous members
that deserve our thanks and acknowledgement. The one person I simply must
mention this time is John King. He has spent countless hours on maintenance. He
knows who to call when things need to be repaired and he is on the job to see
the project through. He deserves our gratitude. And yes, he can also prepare a
scrumptious Schnitzel dinner. It is hard enough, but thanks. -- Edgar
Dear Members - Thank you very much for renewing your
memberships. We are depending on every little income at this difficult time. I
also would like to welcome the new members that just joined. We hope that you
will enjoy the club as much as we all do. Your membership Chairman, Inge Cantu
New Board Members - At our general board meeting on
the 9th of April, we elected new board members who are ready to assume their
duties and responsibilities. They are eager to navigate our German Society with
financial fidelity towards fulfilling our social and cultural goals. We are
fortunate that we have found dedicated candidates to assume the following
vacated positions.
J.D. Lythgoe-Hilliard has been an enthusiastic
helper and supporter of the various chores in and around our dining facilities.
This involved helping with moving shelving and equipment while our facilities
were being painted and organized. This board position had been vacant for over a
year because of illness. Now J.D. has been elected as food service trustee and
is a board member of our society.
Rich Aspenleiter is no stranger to the operation and
functions of our organization. He has served as our bar manager before. His
valuable contribution to our club these several years is to maintain our
website, This website has provided valuable
information to members as well as nonmembers. We hope Rich will continue this
valuable service to our society as well as making sure that we shall continue to
have a well-stocked bar. Marc Connally has been meticulous in preparing monthly
bar reports. He has been just as meticulous in providing a detailed transition
for Rich. Thank you, Marc, and welcome Rich!
Dr. Hans Behrens, our new First Vice President has
been an active member of our society for several years. His contributions have
included providing a great tenor voice to our Concordia Choir, and lately he has
added his artistic talents to beautify our Deutsches Haus. He and Karin Austin
are the artistic duo who painted the beautiful mural face Third Avenue. There
are more such artistic projects ongoing. He has been a valuable member of our
By-Laws Committee and has a background in organizations and board managements.
We are confident that he will contribute much to running our society and to
promote our German culture.
We have a very competent and dedicated board of directors
who work hard to provide and maintain our cherished cultural haven. They not
only provide the leadership of our organization, but they mostly provide the
actual work if cleaning, painting, moving, sorting, advertising as well as
cooking. They have all been generous with their time as well as financial
contributions. They do this because they love our society and it is our wish
that more of you will volunteer your services in such things as cooking, serve
as a host, help organize our dinners, help with entertainment and anyone of the
many things to help provide the German Gemütlichkeit for which our society has
always been known for. - Edgar
A Special Thank You to: Edgar Bueschke with the
assistance of Charity Doyle and Karin King, for their efforts in obtaining two
more grants. One for $3,000 from SAGA (for our future Oktoberfest) and one for
$5,000 from the Care Grant.
Advertise in our Newsletter! Thanks to those
community organizations who have agreed to place a business card sized ad in our
newsletter. For $100. per year, we will attach a company's business card to each
newsletter to let our members know of the services these organizations offer.
This revenue will help offset the cost of mailing our newsletters each month!
Membership Dues Are Now Due! $50. Per Member. Make
checks payable to the German American Society 25 West Third Ave. Spokane, WA
99201 Inge Cantu, Membership Chairperson.
MARCH 2021
Membership Dues For 2021 Are Now Due! Thank you to all those who have
continued to support our club by paying your dues and for the welcomed extra
financial donations. We will get through this tough time soon.
Membership is $50 per person. Any member who signs up a new member will get a
free dinner. Make check payable to: The German American Society.
Send to 25 W, 3rd Ave Spokane, WA 99201 Inga Cantu Membership Chairperson
Upcoming Election of Officers: Our general meetings have not been well
attended, getting less and less with every passing year. This year it is due to
the pandemic. And now that we see signs and hear rumors that there will be some
easing on the restrictive way that we had to conduct our club business, I am
hopeful that we might announce a general meeting. This is in anticipation of our
election meeting on the 9th of April. At our next general meeting on the 5th of
March, we shall introduce the candidates for the two vacancies on our board of
directors. At that meeting we shall also accept nominations for any board
position from the floor.
At the election meeting on the 9th of April, we will not accept any more
nominations. Where there is more than one candidate for any board position,
election will be by ballot. Printed ballots will be passed out to all members in
attendance (membership will be verified). The election chairman along with
another board member will count the ballots and announce the winner by the end
of the meeting.
Copies of our recently revised bylaws are available on our society website (
and then by clicking "Members Only." You will need a username and password to
get access - you can acquire that by sending a message to webmaster @ Your membership will have to be confirmed
before we can let you have a username and password. You may also contact me or
our secretary, Dianna Kilgore, who can send you a copy via an email attachment.
Please continue supporting our German-American Society. Edgar
Cheerful Helpers: A cheerful and industrious group of club members showed
up at the Deutsches Haus on Monday the 8th of February to sort through and store
the piles of decorations and kitchen supplies that were left on the downstairs
dance floor while the storeroom were being painted. John King and Ron
Niederstadt deserve our thanks and praise for having prepared and painted the
storerooms. We fellows assembled and set up the shelving for all the stuff to be
stored in marked containers.
The following ladies efficiently performed their tasks with a tolerable amount
of laughter and chatter: Heiderose Glass, Annelore Kirn, Helga Schwitzer, Inge
Cantu, Waltraud Johnson, Charlotte Shell, and Elke Griffith.
The guys that did the heavy lifting and provided their technical knowhow
assembled shelves and moved filing cabinets: JD Lythgoe-Hilliard, Eberhardt
Schmidt, Ron Nirderstadt, Gary Puseman, Peter Shell, and I too did my part.
It is worthwhile to note that all those members that we contacted to help,
gladly said yes, and cheerfully came by to help. We have over 175 members and
many others would help if we contacted them, but it is out of habit that we call
the ones that we know. We would like to get to know more of you on a more
personal basis. There is still much more to be done that will require your help.
For those of you who are not that familiar with the functions and operations of
our facility, please contact one of our board members, we shall be happy to
include you in one of the various activities.
Thanks for your help! Edgar
Kudos: A very special thank you to Andrea and her team from the Alpine
Deli who made our wonderful Sauerbraten "Take Out Dinner" and also to John and
his team for our "Sweetheart Schnitzel Takeout Dinner." We are thankful for
their donations and volunteering their time and YOU for supporting these events
during this pandemic to help keep our club thriving. We also would like to thank
Charlotte Shell for donating a printer to the society!
Advertise in Our Newsletter: Thank you to all our loyal members and
businesses who advertise in our newsletter. Because of their generosity, we can
print and send our newsletters. Please take the time to look over the list of
advertisers and SUPPORT their businesses.
Reminder: Please send in the by-laws approval/disapproval
self-addressed envelope the secretary, Dianna Kilgiore, has provided. You are
welcome to send in your membership dues for 2021 in the same envelope, if that
Help Wanted: Our dedicated board members are maintaining the various
functions and duties even during these restrictive COVID times. Dianna, our
secretary, was busy stuffing envelopes and mailing our updated bylaws. Karin,
our president, has been made aware of Chapter V, section 1,that we are to have a
nominating committee in November. I was handy, so I am at it again.
We have a well-functioning and cooperative board, so I have contacted all the
incumbent board members whose term was to expire this year, to serve another
term. They all have agreed to serve - president, secretary, membership, and ways
and means trustee. Marc Connally, our capable bat manager, has asked that we
seek a replacement for his next term. And, we also have been seeking a
replacement for Food Service Trustee.
In the meantime, we welcome nominations for all the board positions that I have
mentioned above. We also seek volunteers to server in the ongoing functions of
our society. Please do contact any one of our board members. The pay is poor,
but the comradery and friendships are most rewarding. - Edgar
Thank You: to all those who generously gave of their time and treasure in
this time of need. Your gifts are so appreciated.
Our thoughts and prayers - go out to the families who have lost their
loved ones this past year.
A Note from The President - It is hard to believe that we have already
made it to the fall season of 2020. It certainly has been one for the history
While we are still adjusting to the lasting impact that COVID-19 has had on each
andeveryone of us, I am confident that we have taken the steps to position our
club for survival.
We have proven that by standing strong in the face of uncertainty we can
accomplish what we have Previously deemed impossible...
While its been quiet in the club, we have made many wonderful improvements:
1. Sewer Project
2. Vinyl flooring and carpet in entry way
3. Roof Repairs
4. Storage room ceiling repairs/with donated shelving - in progress as we speak
5. The gorgeous mural, as well as many more projects
Karin King
German Christmas Service - To be announced at a later date.
Spokane Preservation Advocate Grant - A very special "Thank You" goes out
to the "Spokane Preservation Advocates" for graciously awarding our club a grant
in the amount of $3521.25, to help with the repair of our unfortunate sewer
project flood. The sewer repair included the concrete pouring, installation of
new pipes, adding a new vinyl floor in our coat room as well as replacing the
carpets in the upper and lower entry way of our club.
Mural Update: The mural has been completed. If you have not seen it yet,
please drive by and let us know how you like it! A huge "Thank You" to all the
club members who made this special project possible by donating to our "mural"
and the soon to be completed fencing in front of it. However, we are still short
some $$$, so if you are so inclined any further donations, it would be greatly
A note from your President: Welcome back to our Fall season.
Even though we are still not able to meet in person, we are doing our best to
stay in touch with our membership through our Newsletters and offering our much
sought after take-out dinners. On 26 September, we have the Schnitzel take-out
dinner. Our October take-out dinner will feature a dinner prepared by our
famous cooks, Heiderose and Helga. We are still hoping to hold our Christmas
service at St. Marks on the 13th of December. Despite these trying times, we are
continuing to reach out to our club members and their friends, and you have been
amazing supporting us. We have received several donations that help us keep
afloat and we even received our first Membership renewal for 2021. This
certainly lets us know that you are standing behind us and encourages us to keep
To Marie Meyer Schlomer on her 100th Birthday
Stay Safe until we meet again.
Karin King
By-Laws - As per our by-laws, the by-laws committee met on the 21st of
August to review our by-laws and will be presenting changes and recommendations
to the membership to review and approve. Some items are a matter of correcting
clerical errors but there are some changes recommended that will bring
our aims in line with current conditions.
We have a great board of directors that diligently works to make our
organization an inviting place for all our members and guests. Besides the many
administrative duties, our board members diligently work on maintaining the
physical aspects of our building. we seek and welcome your help and your
our Deutsches Haus has been an ongoing endeavor by our committed
members and especially our dedicated board members. Currently, the
north facade will catch the attention and admiration of passing
traffic on Third Avenue. The mural that Karin Austin has designed is
now becoming a reality. Hans Behrens, who also expresses his
artistic talents with a paint brush, is seen on the scaffolding
along with Karin. And soon, the large blank archway will reveal a
colorful scene, reminders of German landscape and culture.
We hope that such endeavors will inspire more of our members to
participate and contribute to keeping our Deutsches Haus as our
inviting home for our members and guests. Currently, we have a most
enthusiastic board of directors who contribute generously of their
time as well as financially to preserving and maintaining our house.
Because of the pandemic, our income has shrunk drastically as most
of you are aware. Our fund-raising dinners had to be halted and our
hall rentals were cancelled. We honor and acknowledge those who
contribute financially by placing their names on a decorative plaque
and we would be grateful to see your name appear on it as well.
Not so lovely as our mural are the ongoing efforts of such things as
the repair of our roof, the water damaged ceiling. We filled in and
cemented over the large planter area in front of the now painted
archway. A wrought iron fence is planned around that area to protect
the mural. These are just a few items that require your generosity
of time or contribution. There are many generous members that
deserve our thanks and acknowledgement. The one person I simply must
mention this time is John King. He has spent countless hours on
maintenance. He knows who to call when things need to be repaired
and he is on the job to see the project through. He deserves our
gratitude. And yes, he can also prepare a scrumptious Schnitzel
dinner. It is hard enough, but thanks. -- Edgar
To view the progress of the mural art project from start to finish on
the front of the building, please click here
Concordia Choir - is taking a trip to Vancouver, Canada on May 21-24,
2020 using a large Alpha-Omega bus. Choir members, their spouses, and guests,
are encouraged and welcomed to join us on the bus. Increased participation will
reduce the bus fare and increase the fun and support.
This may possibly be the last Sangerfest!
If you are interested in joining and supporting the choir on this trip, please
contact Eberhard Schmidt at 509-230-5017 or email Eberhard at
Kudos: A very special thank you to all the cooks and volunteers who made
our Sweetheart dinner such a success. Oh, my goodness John, the schnitzel was
amazing and left us happy and satisfied! Along with John's schnitzel, he donated
and baked the outstanding Apfel Strudel with the help of Karin Austin.
Advertise in Our Newsletter: Thank you to all our loyal members and
businesses who advertise in our Newsletter. Because of their generosity, we can
print and send our Newsletters. Please take time to look over the list of
advertisers and THANK and SUPPORT their businesses.
We currently have spaces left. This means we need you to advertise your company
or business.
For $100 per year, we will attach a company's business card to each newsletter
to let our members know of the services these organizations offer.
Our Deutsches Haus has remained our cultural haven since 1897 where we
meet to sing, dance and enjoy delicious German food. Over these 123 years, there
have been dedicated members who have kept our facilities functioning properly.
John King has kept our furnace functioning, our coolers cooling, our faucets
flowing and now that he is passing on his maintenance position we are looking
for someone to take his place!
John is willing to teach, guide and assist the new person on all the vital
functions and operations of the Deutsches Haus, to insure a smooth transition
into their new role.
If you are interested, please contact Edgar Bueschke- Club VP, Karin King- Club
President or John King himself to schedule an appointment and discuss the
responsibilities in further detail.
Edgar Bueschke 509-448-7029
The society could always use
help setting up for dinners by setting up tables and clearing
tables, or serving, cleaning, and certain kinds of maintenance.
Please call the hall at 747-0004 if you are interested or you can
send an e-mail to
Kudos - To Heiderose, Helga and Elke for the most delicious Choir
Fundraiser Rouladen Dinner! John King, for all of the winter season's snow
removal and the little things like bringing light to the Kaffe Stube. To
Russell and Ann Heaton from walla Walla for preparing the wonderful New Years
Dinner for us.
A Valentines Message from the President: I would like to express a
heartfelt "Thank You" to all of our current and new members and volunteers who
support our club in so many different and wonderful ways. I feel that we
are truly blessed to have you as a part of our community. You are being
appreciated more than words can express and I am looking forward to celebrating
many more events with you. Vielen Dank! Karin King
Kudos - To Heiderose, Helga and Elke for a lovely Christmas
Rouladen Dinner! To Karin Austin for making the beautiful “Thoughtful Donations
Plaque” so we can recognize those who have helped the success of this club. * IF
you, or someone you know that should be recognized, but isn’t, please reach out
to Karin. A big thanks goes out to Dan, JD and Ron for taking care of our

Our Deutsches Haus has remained our cultural haven since 1897 where we
meet to sing, dance and enjoy delicious German food. Over these 123 years, there
have been dedicated members who have kept our facilities functioning properly.
John King has kept our furnace functioning, our coolers cooling, our faucets
flowing and now that he is passing on his maintenance position we are looking
for someone to take his place!
John is willing to teach, guide and assist the new person on all the vital
functions and operations of the Deutsches Haus, to insure a smooth transition
into their new role.
If you are interested, please contact Edgar Bueschke- Club VP, Karin King- Club
President or John King himself to schedule an appointment and discuss the
responsibilities in further detail.
Edgar Bueschke 509-448-7029
Dear Club Members,
As your president, along with the help of several other club members, I have
been working diligently over the past three years to have our building added to
the Spokane Historic Registry.
I am proud to say that we have finally been accepted!
To celebrate this wonderful milestone event, we will be hosting a Plaque
Dedication Ceremony featuring a slide show of our club's history, presented
by Meagan Duvall, Spokane City Historic preservation officer.
Reception to follow at the Deutsches Haus, for complimentary coffee and cake on
December 1st, 2019 at 2:30 pm. - Karin King
Club Member Update: John King will be retiring as our Maintenance
Repair Man at the end of this year. If you are interested in being his
replacement, contact John for further information. 509-468-2761
Kudos - To the Tibbetts family and friends for a lovely Pioneer Dinner!
Becky, Ralph, Dan, Kathy, Lindsey, Emily, and Haley. And, to Elke and
Linda and their team for providing a wonderful Welcome Supper for our Canadian
Visitors from Kelowna, BC.
OKTOBERFEST REVIEW - Our 2nd annual Oktoberfest was not only very
successful, but also a lot of fun and everyone had a great time. Welcome
to all the many new members that joined our club during the Oktoberfest
celebration. A special "Thank You" goes out to our advertisers who graciously
contributed to our success by donating their services; Georg of Das Stein Haus,
Andrea of Alpine Deli, and Manny of U-Haul.
Dankeschön - Thank you very much! Our Deutsches Haus was filled to
overflowing during our recent Oktoberfest. This beloved German festival is
duplicated, imitated and repeated everywhere. Yet we stand out. In our
Deutsches Haus we feature authentic German food, beer, and above all, German
Gemütlichkeit, a most endearing ingredient for a wonderful time. I have a
long list of volunteers that helped make this event such a success. The
cooperation, friendless and harmony with which our club members work together is
the reason that our German American Society remains the oldest and the only
ethnic organization still functioning in this region. Events such as Oktoberfest
in our Deutsches Haus serve to enrich our cultural experience, entertain
us and help create revenue to preserve and sustain our Haus. We are all
proud to own and preserve this our Deutsches Haus.
Ein groβes Dankeschön für Eure Helfe!
Welcome Back! Hope you all had a fun and restful summer! We
at the German-American Society are looking forward to everyone joining us in the
up coming fall events and activities. Please check the calendar of events
to see
Our 2nd annual OKTOBERFEST plans for 2019 are well underway to make it another
fun event in our German Hall. We need volunteers to relieve other
volunteers so that we all have a chance to mingle and socialize in an atmosphere
of German "Gemütlichkeit." If you would like to volunteer, please contact
Edgar Bueschke at 509-448-7029 or at
Kudos Oktoberfest Committee - A heartfelt thank you to our OKTOBERFEST
planning committee. They have diligently been working on making our 2nd annual
OKTOBERFEST a success. Chairman Edgar Bueschke and Committee members Karin and
John King, Karin Austin, Suzanne Capstick, Eberhardt Schmidt, Inga Cantu, Gary
Puseman, Gail Miller, John and Eileen Shull, and Dianna Kilgore.
If you need help with
translation, please contact us at
and we will try to find a member that can assist you. We are not set up for
formal or lengthy translation services. We gather your information and find
a member who can help with small projects. It is up to them if they want to
charge for their services; some of our members have formal translating or
teaching experience, so if we are able to help you, you can be assured that
you will get accurate translation.
While the German-American
Society does not have the resources to help you obtain a passport, we are
very happy to direct you to the German Consular information to get you
For residents of
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, your consular offices are located in
Mercer Island, WA or Portland, Oregon.
They can assist
you, but appointments are required.
State: (By Appointment Only)
SE 27th Street, Suite 180
Mercer Island, WA 98040
TEL: (206) 230-5138
Oregon: (By
Appointment Only)
200 SW
Market St, Suite 1965
Portland, OR 97201
TEL: (503) 222-0490