This page was last modified: Friday, 04-January-2021
Copyright 2009-2023
German American
All rights reserved.
How do I become a member?
- Have an interest in fostering the German cultural heritage.
- Be sponsored by a club member. (You can talk to the Membership Chairperson
about this.)
- Be of good standing in the community.
- Be approved for membership by the Board of Directors.
- Pay annual membership fee of $50 per member. In addition, a one-time
initiation fee of $0 per person.
- Submit a completed application form together with the initiation fee and
first year's membership
- State that, as far as you know, you do have German heritage.
Click here to download membership application form
- You can send your membership application form directly to Karin King, the
Membership Chairperson, to help speed up the process. To get Karin's mailing
address, or if you have additional questions or need additional information, she
can be reached by sending an e-mail to